Friday, December 7, 2012

Lunches Week 15 - Advent Style

This week Christmas baking has officially begun. 
Thirty-six dozen gingerbread cookies down and tons more of other cookies to go!!! 
Look for awesome gingerbread recipe next week!

For the month of December I decided to do a countdown to Christmas with my daughter's lunches, so you will see the number of days until Christmas in each lunch.


I packed her a mitten shaped sandwich, Christmas goldfish crackers, carrots, cucumbers, an Andes candy, and a Capri Sun.


I packed her a pierogies, angel cucumbers, pudding with sprinkles, and a Sistema Twist N' Sip* of water. 


She had a tree shaped sandwich, oranges, Christmas goldfish crackers, an Andes candy, and a Capri Sun.


I packed her reindeer shaped sandwich, carrots, Christmas goldfish crackers, applesauce, and a Capri Sun.


She had a stocking shaped sandwich, grapes, Christmas goldfish crackers, an Andes candy, and a Sistema Twist N' Sip* of water.

The products used in this post are listed below.
The container with green inserts is the Rubbermaid LunchBlox entree with trays*.
The clear container with 3 sections is an EasyLunchBox*
The tree cup is a silicone baking cup*.
The gingerbread cup is a silicone baking cup*.
The tiny clear container is an EasyLunchboxes Mini-Dippers*.

*Affiliate Links.
 I'll Be Linking Up At These Parties!


  1. Your bento ideas are great! Over from One creative Mommy 12 Days of Christmas.
