Friday, November 2, 2012

Bento Style Lunches Week 10

My daughter only had 3 partial days of school this week due to hurricane Sandy, but we are definitely some of the lucky ones. We have electricity, heat, and a roof over our heads. There isn't much more I can ask for after seeing all the damage this past week.


No School


No School


She had caldron shaped nutella sandwich, grapes, Halloween pretzels, a candy corn marshmallow, and a Sistema Twist N' Sip* of water.


I packed her mini pierogies, carrots, applesauce, and a Sistema Twist N' Sip* of water.


 She had a Crown Lunch Punch* nutella sandwich, carrots, a Halloween Fruit by the Foot, and a Capri Sun.

The products used in this post are listed below.
The container with green inserts is the Rubbermaid LunchBlox entree with trays*.
The clear container with 3 sections is an EasyLunchBox*
  The pumpkin cup is a silicone baking cup*.

*Affiliate Links.
 I'll Be Linking Up At These Parties!


  1. I love the Crown Lunch Punch! So adorable!
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  2. Thank You so much for the nomination!!
