Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Command Center Update & Free Printables

I must say, I am very flattered by all the love my command center has been receiving.  

We have been using it for over almost 2 months now and it has been wonderful! To say it has made life in this house less complicated is an understatement.

The calendar has made keeping track of the kids 2 separate school and activity schedules easy. Plus my daughter can easily see what "day" of school it is. Her school works on a 6 day rotating schedule. Now she can look at the calendar and see what day it is (i.e., 1, 2, etc.) and then know what extra she has on that day (i.e., gym, computer, library, etc.). This has really helped with her sense of responsibility when it comes to being ready to get out the door in the morning. I still check that she has everything she needs, but it is already instilling in her how to get ready for the day, and how to be responsible for her own items and time.

The baskets and bins have removed so much clutter from my kitchen. My kids know where to drop their papers from school. Our mail, coupons, and receipts are no longer scattered about our kitchen counters. Plus, I no longer have to search for out budget book every time I need to add something or check it.

I have been receiving a lot of requests for the sayings I hung above my command center. 
I figure instead of trying to email them to everyone who has asked, I would attempt to share them as a printable. I use the word attempt because this is my first time doing this and I am just hoping it works. I used Scribd, so you will have to sign-up for an account but it is free. Each document is linked below.

If you have a different saying you would like as word art, I explain how you can create your own word art using Picmonkey here.

I hope this helps some of you!

 I'll Be Linking Up At These Parties!

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